Year 9 Rounders vs North Leamington School

On Wednesday evening, the Year 9 Rounders Team played North Leamington School at home. 

We had consistent bowling from the captain Tammy, some brilliant batting from Megan, Holly and Bethany with Zara very calm as backstop. We also had some great catching on first and second base from Lily and Bethany maximising opportunities to stump the opposition out and keeping us all on our toes! Clara, Jenna, Megan and Holly worked exceptionably hard in the deep field dealing with some big hits and still creating opportunities to stump players out and prevent full rounders being scored by the North Leamington batters. The game was very close and challenging with the girls remaining professional throughout with great team spirit. After the first innings North Leamington School were leading by 4 rounders after some incredible batting from a few players, despite our best fielding efforts. However, in the second innings Southam came back strong to level the field to 6 rounders each for the innings, catching all but 3 of the North Leamington side out when fielding. Unfortunately, North Leamington took the win after their success in the first innings. Southam scored a total of 10 Rounders, whilst North Leamington scored a total of 14 Rounders. Well done to all the girls! A great effort for a very challenging game!

Opposition’s batter – Holly 

Opposition’s fielder – Zara

Coach’s player – Clara

Miss Owen

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